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Student Athlete Handbook

Welcome Message

The purpose of this handbook is to inform all who participate in the Naugatuck High School athletic program of the high school’s expectations and those rules and regulations that govern this department. The Athletic Department of Naugatuck High School exists to provide healthy competitive and instructional outlets for its students. Our primary goal is to incorporate the classroom and athletics into a well-rounded experience. We encourage each one of you to give it your best. Congratulations to all of you who will take on the challenge.

Philosophy of Athletics

We, at Naugatuck High School, take tremendous pride in our athletic program which provides an exceptional opportunity for personal growth. Athletes learn to accept responsibility for success or failure and to respond by developing a fierce work ethic. Participants learn to deal with strong emotions such as anger, disappointment, joy, frustration, and suspense. Few situations in life offer students an opportunity to recognize and handle such intense feelings while in the public eye. Student-athletes in Naugatuck learn about motivation, self-discipline, loyalty, leadership, sacrifice, effort, and a winning attitude, all lessons which are invaluable in our competitive world. Team athletics offer a unique opportunity to teach young men and women that working together toward a common goal can and will accomplish positive results and inevitable success. The program of competitive athletics is designed to develop physical and emotional fitness in a competitive and enjoyable environment amongst the pillars of sportsmanship, leadership, teamwork, and honor.

Participating on a Naugatuck High School team is, however, considered a privilege. Student-athletes are representatives of the school and community and are expected to demonstrate personal integrity at all times. Our athletes must do what is ethically right, both within the school and community, throughout the year. A violation of this expectation will result in a suspension or dismissal from the team. In order to maintain one’s good standing on a team, each student-athlete must consistently demonstrate that he or she has the ability to sacrifice his/her time, to maintain necessary academic standards, and to act in accordance with school and program expectations.

Naugatuck High School Mission Statement

The mission of Naugatuck High School is to develop students who are responsible and engaged community members. Students will communicate effectively, demonstrate perseverance to solve problems, and actively engage in their learning. We strive to meet the academic needs of all students through relevant, engaging experiences that encourage lifelong learning. To achieve our mission, we promote active involvement and communication among school, family, and community and look forward to facing new challenges together.

The Naugatuck Valley League Teams (divisions differ for some sports)

Brass Division

Copper Division

Iron Division




Holy Cross






Sacred Heart





St. Paul


Naugatuck High School Athletic Teams










Boy’s Soccer




Girl’s Soccer






Boy’s Cross Country


Girl’s Cross Country


Girl’s Swimming and Diving



Boy’s Basketball




Girl’s Basketball




Boy’s Swimming and Diving


Boy’s Indoor Track



Girl’s Indoor Track



















Girl’s Track



Boy’s Track



Girl’s Tennis


Boy’s Tennis


Coed Golf



Levels of Sports at Naugatuck High School


Varsity athletes tend to exhibit the most talent and most of their skill levels tend to be more advanced than the other levels. The purpose of varsity athletics is to refine the skills of the team in an attempt to provide Naugatuck High School with the best chance to succeed.


Junior varsity programs offer those students who do not yet possess the skills required of varsity athletes an opportunity to participate in a competitive setting. Junior varsity athletes are acquiring knowledge and skill that is required at the next level. Occasionally, junior varsity players may participate in varsity contests based on the decision by the coaching staff that the athlete has made sufficient progress. This promotion should not be misinterpreted as an absolute move to the varsity level.


Freshmen may participate in all sports programs at Naugatuck High School. Freshmen programs are provided for ninth-grade students who do not yet possess the skills necessary to participate in the upper levels. Freshmen teams are designed to provide a competitive setting in which to gain the knowledge, skill, and experience valuable for promotion. Occasionally, freshmen may participate in junior varsity or varsity contests based on the decision by the coaching staff that the athlete has made sufficient progress. This promotion should not be misinterpreted as an absolute move to the next level.

NCAA Clearing House

Any student-athlete who wishes to participate in Division I or II intercollegiate athletic programs may register with the NCAA Clearing House and meet all requirements before they will be declared eligible. Information is available with the Guidance Department. Student-Athletes should be aware of the NCAA academic regulations as early as their freshmen year to ensure a proper course of action is taken. Juniors may sign up for the Clearing House at the end of their junior year. For more information, please go to the NCAA site.

CIAC Eligibility

A student-athlete is NOT ELIGIBLE if he/she:

  • will turn 20 years of age prior to the end of a season in which he/she competes
  • is in grade 10, 11, or 12 and has changed schools without a change of legal residence;
  • played the same sport for more than three seasons in grades 10, 11, and 12
  • plays or practices with an outside team in the same sport while a member of the school team
  • plays under an assumed name on an outside team
  • receives personal economic gain for participation in any CIAC sport

*For complete eligibility regulations go to the CIAC website.

Academic Eligibility at Naugatuck High School

To participate in the fall sports program, a student must have received four (4) credits for the previous school year. Fall athletes must have passed four (4) courses, meeting the equivalent of five days per week, on the first quarter report card and not fail more than one class of their entire course load to remain eligible for any contests that occur after that date. Freshmen are exempt from this requirement until the first high school report card is issued.


To participate in the winter sports program, a student must have passed four (4) courses, which meet the equivalent of five (5) days per week, for the first quarter of the current school year. Eligibility is again checked following the second quarter report card. To complete the winter season, the student must also have received a passing grade in four (4) courses which meet five (5) days per week and not fail more than one class of their entire course load.


To participate in the spring sports program, a student must have passed four (4) courses, which meet the equivalent of five (5) days per week and not fail more than one class of their entire course load, for the second quarter. Eligibility is again checked after the third quarter.


Beginning Q2 (2018-2019) a student must pass a minimum of 4 courses and not fail more than one class of their entire course load to be eligible to participate in an athletic program.

Academic Ineligibility

An academically ineligible student-athlete may be allowed to participate in team practices provided an agreement is reached between the student-athlete, the head coach, the parent, and the Athletic Director. The student-athlete cannot be in uniform, travel, or participate in any contests according to CIAC regulations. Eligibility will be reviewed following the next report card issued.

Attendance at School

  • Attendance in school is defined as a student being present for four hours in a given day. A student-athlete will not be allowed to attend or participate in a practice or contest the day he/she is absent from school.
  • Similarly, a student who leaves school early due to illness will not be allowed to practice or play a game that day or night.
  • A student suspended from school is also suspended from team practices and team contests for the duration of the suspension.


If a student violates any of the above policies, he/she will be suspended from athletic participation for the next two (2) sporting events.

*The Athletic Director reserves the right to address individual situations pertaining to the above policies when deemed necessary.

Traveling with the Team

All athletes must remain with the team and under the supervision of their coaches. All athletes must travel back and forth with the transportation provided by the athletic department. It is our belief that traveling as a team fosters positive relationships and team unity. In the event that special circumstance causes a parent or guardian to request travel arrangements independent from the school, the parents must provide written consent to the coach and the Athletic Director at least 24 hours prior to the contest for transportation to be waived. All school rules will be strictly enforced on all school and chartered buses. In the event of an emergency, parents make take their son or daughter home following a contest and only after consulting with the coach and/or athletic director in advance. It is hoped that this will only occur due to extenuating circumstances and not just for convenience.


It is the belief of Naugatuck High School that being a member of a team should be a rewarding and enriching experience for all student-athletes. Therefore, any and all types of actions, including written, verbal, or physical which are intended to cause humiliation, embarrassment, or discomfort will not be tolerated. Examples include, but are not limited to, sexual harassment and racially motivated behavior. Such actions will result in appropriate sanctions and possible legal referrals. Coaches and/or the athletic director may exceed the discipline imposed by the school administration which will include removal or suspension from the team or position of leadership on the team. Students who feel they are being harassed, hazed, or bullied should report this immediately to the Athletic Director.

Code of Conduct

*The Administration of Naugatuck High School Athletics reserves the right to judge the severity of any infraction and discipline students according to the student and athletic handbook.


Naugatuck Athletics believes that students who are selected for the privilege of participation on teams, squads, clubs, and other school organizations should conduct themselves as responsible representatives of the school. In order to assure this conduct, coaches and/or advisors will enforce our Code of Conduct. Furthermore, members of teams and organizations who fail to abide by the Code of Conduct are subject to immediate disciplinary action. Members of teams and organizations must always serve as exemplars of high moral character and citizenship and must demonstrate the academic commitment expected from all students.


It is the expectation of NHS that all athletes will:

  • treat others with respect
  • never berate an official
  • attend all practices unless a legitimate reason has been communicated to the coach
  • only be in the gym or locker areas when a coach or advisor is present
  • respect the property of teammates and opponents alike
  • honor all team rules established by the coach
  • report all injuries to the coach before leaving the practice or contest in which it occurs
  • maintain appropriate academic standing
  • not use or be in possession of any controlled substances, drugs, or alcohol
  • adhere to all rules established by Naugatuck High School and the Athletic Department
  • bring pride and honor to self, teammates, family, school, and community
  • use appropriate language at all times; profanity will not be tolerated
  • maintain all athletic equipment given to athlete by the coach
  • remember that there is no place for “winning at all costs”; we compete with the utmost effort, enthusiasm, and desire tempered with class and integrity at all times


Includes but is not limited to:

  • the sale, purchase, or use of any tobacco product;
  • the possession, sale, purchase or use of any illegal and/or controlled substances including drugs and alcohol;
  • the exhibiting of evidence or any indication having consumed/used any tobacco product or illegal substance (whether consumed on or off school premises);
  • illegal gambling;
  • theft or vandalism;
  • any violation of the criminal laws of the State of Connecticut or the United States.


Based on Naugatuck Board of Education Student Policy 5221 a-e (Chemical Health Policy for Student-Athletes).


All disciplinary consequences as stated in the NHS student handbook, if applicable, will first be imposed on athletes who violate the code of conduct. As is detailed below, athletes are also subject to additional disciplinary action as imposed by their coaches and/or the athletic director which will include suspension or removal from the team and/or from their position of leadership.


1st Offense: Suspension from team/club activities for no less than four (4) weeks and no more than one full season. However, the sale or distribution of drugs or alcohol, as defined above, will defer directly to 2nd offense status.


2nd Offense: Automatic suspension for one school year from athletic and extra-curricular participation.

  • It should be noted that the Athletic Director reserves the right to impose athletic sanctions on a student-athlete if proper and respectful behavior is not being demonstrated elsewhere in the school community.
  • If an athlete is not in season at the time of the offense, consequences will be in effect for his/her next season.
  • The Student-Athlete Discipline Review Committee, consisting of administrators, teachers, and coaches, may be involved in the review of particular cases of impropriety.


Any athlete or coach who is ejected from a game must sit out the next contest. In addition, during the interim, a coach cannot serve as a coach on any other level in that sport. Any further problems will result in more severe punishments. Depending on the severity and circumstances of the ejection, further sanctions may be imposed by the Athletic Director.



The locker room will be supervised at all times. In order to provide for the safety and health of athletes and personal belongings, the following rules will be followed:

  • Lockers must be locked at all times.
  • Do not leave valuables in your locker; they should be given to the coach for safe-keeping. The school is not responsible for the loss of personal property.
  • Do not share a locker with another student.
  • Remove all personal clothing each night to be washed.
  • Athletes are responsible for maintaining their locker.
  • Cleats are not to be worn in the locker room or in any other part of the school building.
  • “Horseplay” behavior is prohibited at all times.


The fitness center is available for student use. The hours of use will be determined by the Athletic Department. Supervision is required at all times. Athletes must wear appropriate clothing and follow all safety guidelines. It is the responsibility of all athletes to wipe down equipment after use with provided disinfectant spray. Abuse of equipment or improper use of equipment will result in the removal of weight room privileges.


Naugatuck High School and the CIAC does not, in any way, sanction, encourage, or condone “Captain’s Practice.” It is a violation of CIAC rules. Students should not feel pressured or compelled to participate in off-season workouts (see Off-Season). Athletic insurance will not cover students that are injured during unauthorized practice. For further details regarding such events, please visit the CIAC website and search “captain’s practice.”


Teams may schedule OPTIONAL practices on these days. No student-athlete will suffer any consequences should he/she be unable to attend. Coaches will not punish any student for his/her religious affiliations.


When there is no school due to inclement weather, practices and games will also be canceled. If the Superintendent of Schools calls for a half-day, because of inclement weather, all after-school practices and games will be canceled.


All candidates for athletic teams are required to pass a yearly physical examination done by a qualified practitioner of medicine, a PA, an APRN or school medical advisor, and submitted to the school nurse prior to the first practice. All forms and paperwork can be found in the athletic office. A candidate whose last physical examination expires during the season cannot continue to practice or play until he/she has visited their medical doctor and returned his/her physical to the school nurse. Also, an injured athlete who has had medical treatment cannot participate until a release from a medical professional listed above, including a chiropractor, is given to the school nurse. No student can practice or play without permission from the nurse.


Students are not to hand physicals to coaches, secretaries, or the AD. All forms must go to the school nurse.


No student will be denied participation in any sport because of the lack of family insurance. The athlete’s own insurance is always the primary insurance, and the school’s insurance acts as a secondary type of insurance. Please contact the school nurse or the Superintendent’s office for further details. If an athlete is injured during practice or play, NHS coaches will make the contacts and follow emergency procedures as indicated on the athlete’s emergency card. A coach or parent volunteer will accompany any athlete needing to be transported by ambulance to the hospital.



  • All athletes must resolve any outstanding obligations before they will be allowed to participate in any sport.
  • All athletes must maintain “zero” detention hours to be eligible to participate during a season.
  • Athletes cannot have any athletically related obligations in order to participate on a team. (Ex: unreturned uniform)


At the conclusion of each sports season, athletes in good standing will be presented with appropriate awards (letters, certificates, numerals, or special recognition awards) at a sports awards program. Athletes, parents, teachers, and friends are encouraged to attend. The coach for his/her particular sport outlines criteria for the selection of award winners.


All student-athletes who participate in off-season weight-training or conditioning do so of their own free will and are not mandated to do so under the auspices of any sport. This is not to suggest that the athletic department condemns year-round conditioning for any sport. On the contrary, a well-conditioned athlete is better prepared for the rigors of a competitive season and is undeniably less likely to sustain injuries during competition. However, NHS Athletics wholeheartedly endorses multi-sport athletes. It is our belief that participating in different sports offers new physical, mental, and emotional challenges to a young student-athlete that inevitably provides and fosters a greater overall development, exposure to new players and coaches, and refreshing and renewing experience. At this age, an athlete need not isolate him or herself in one sport. It is our fundamental belief that branching out into other sports makes each student-athlete stronger, faster, sharper, and better conditioned for their ‘primary’ sport. This philosophy translates into the following practical terms for Naugatuck High School student-athletes:

  • No student is obligated to participate in sport-specific off-season conditioning, although it can be encouraged for their safety and overall health.
  • No student will ever be directly penalized or disciplined for this choice.
  • A student-athlete's choice to participate in a second sport will never hinder his/her eligibility for the first.
  • During the season of the second sport, that coach has the authority to discourage additional conditioning outside of his/her program.

Naugatuck High School student-athletes need to remember that sports at this level require sacrifice, passion, responsibility, teamwork, effort, and love to achieve their greatest personal success. These can only be given, however, if one constant is maintained – fun. Kids, do what makes you happy and always give your best, for you, not for anyone else.


An individual student who attempts to participate in multiple extra-curricular activities will inevitably be in a position of conflict. The Athletic Department recognizes that each student should have the opportunity for a broad range of experiences in the area of extra-curricular activities and, in an effort to encourage this, will attempt to schedule events in a manner so as to minimize conflict. When conflicts do arise, the sponsors will work together for a solution, so the student does not feel caught in the middle. If a solution cannot be found, then the student will have to make a decision based on the following:

  1. The relative importance of each event
  2. The importance of each event to the group involved
  3. The relative contribution the student can make
  4. A decision made in cooperation with the parents


  1. The athlete should speak to the coach directly if they have a problem. Many times these types of meetings will resolve an issue or concern.
  2. If the issue cannot be resolved, parents should call the coach for a meeting at an arranged time.
  3. If the issue is still not resolved, contact the Director of Athletics.
  4. If the meeting with the Director of Athletics cannot resolve the issue, then the AD will bring the issue to the attention of the principal.


Participation in sports is a privilege, not a right. This privilege may be revoked at the discretion of the school. Parents, coaches, and school administrators need to work together to develop responsible young people. If coaches set rules that supersede those listed below, the coach will provide a copy to all athletes and the AD.


  1. Spectators at events, including students, parents, etc. shall refrain from criticizing officials, coaches, opponents, or players. Inappropriate spectator behavior will result in banishment from the contests.
  2. Naugatuck High School coaches have the sole responsibility for the selection of all team members. The team selection is based on consideration of the athlete’s ability, sportsmanship, and citizenship.
  3. The student-athlete is responsible for all schoolwork missed due to early dismissals for any interscholastic sporting events. Athletes should inform their teachers in advance of their competition.
  4. Coaches reserve the right to close practices to parents and the public to promote a focused setting.
  5. Each coach will be responsible for setting up criteria for the selection of team captains. Each coach may have a different approach to the selection of captains.
  6. Athletes must travel to and from contests in school-provided transportation. With permission from the athletic director (or a coach in an emergency situation), a student may go to and from a contest with their parents. However, a parent has the last say when it comes to their child. If a parent wants to take their child home after an athletic event, (i.e. after a freshmen game) she or he may do so. Again it is important to note that this should only occur due to extenuating circumstances and not just for convenience. Of course, a coach must be notified.
  7. Coaches, athletes, and parents must maintain self-control. Rude behavior will not be tolerated.
  8. Show respect for the opponents at all times. Derogatory comments, cheers, signs, or gestures directed toward the opposing players, coaches, cheerleaders, spectators or officials will not be tolerated.
  9. All rules and consequences defined in the NHS handbook apply to practices, competitions, and events.